Dr. Radu Ciubuc, MD
Specialized in Internal Medicine and Geriatric Care
About Dr. Radu Ciubuc
Dr. Radu Ciubuc, MD is an Internal Medicine Specialist in El Paso and he is board certified in Geriatric Medicine.
He has practiced in El Paso since 2006 and he is affiliated with multiple medical facilities including the Las Palmas Medical Center and Sierra Medical Center.
His office accepts new patients, tele-health appointments, home visits, and specialized care.
We provide all the primary health care needs for both Adults and Seniors
Family Practice vs. Internal Medicine
Family Medicine encompasses a broader patient population than internal medicine. Family medicine doctors manage the overall health and well being of all ages, which range from children to seniors. They also provide gynecological care to their female patients.
Internal Medicine doctors are more intensively trained on internal organs and internal processes, and they only see the adult population.
Chronic diseases present themselves as we age, which can be challenging to manage. This is where dedicated specialists that focus on the geriatric population come in. Many patients of family physicians struggle with chronic diseases that include diabetes, COPD, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, heart disease, kidney issues, endocrine issues, blood disorders and even infectious diseases.
Internal Medicine physicians are trained more intensively than family doctors for the adult population, and Board Certified Geriatric Internal Medicine physicians train for the geriatric population specifically. These physicians are specialized in their craft of delivering excellent adult patient care.
We offer telemedicine service and in-home visits. We strive to see our patients when they want us to see them. We provide comprehensive and individualized healthcare, and we put a special emphasis on complete approach and preventative care.
Some of our services:
Comprehensive physical exams
Treatment of both simple & complex medical problems
Preventive, wellness screenings & immunizations
Chronic disease management
Collaboration with specialists
Diabetes diagnosis, treatment and follow up
Respiratory disorders
Heart & vascular disorders
Blood disorders
Kidney & urinary disorders
Joint and rheumatologic disorders
Digestive disorders
Endocrine and hormonal disorders
Neurological disorders
Weight loss management
We provide a free-of-charge session on Life Coaching and diet management for individuals in the diabetic range.
Our Specialist in Geriatric Medicine & Nurse practitioners focus on senior health, including their physical health, mental health and the ability to function in everyday activities.
Some of these specialized needs include memory care, hearing and vision health, arthritis treatment, incontinence treatment and the management of multiple chronic conditions.
Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday:
9:00 am- 5:30 pm
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Friday , Saturday, & Sunday:
By appointment
Home visits:
By appointment
125 W Hague Road, El Paso Tx, 79902